“I placed funds with Jamies business having invested many times through out the last 19 years. As always my return was as expected and on time. Amazing to think I have had funds with Jamie in some form for nearly two decades.”
J. Downey.
“Just wanted to thank you on the recently completed project we invested in. I felt fully informed of progress throughout and received a better return than expected, even in today's difficult market. Looking forward to the next development already!”
G. Bryce
“I have arranged Jamies institutional funding in the tens of millions over the years for various projects. Jamie seems to have an ability to get off market and interesting sites that funders really connect with.”
L. Joseph
“Congratulations on producing a fantastic development. I was just looking for a decent return at the start but have now found myself actually looking to buy one of the units as a long term investment, I was so impressed with the finish and yields available.”
J. Groombridge.